* The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library * - Spiritual Glossary -
From The Life And Teachings of His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyadddeen (may God be pleased with Him) Welcome to the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library, and a "Spiritual Glossary" from the life and teaching of His Holiness, from our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Spiritual Glossary
Outline For Glossary Index List of Terms - From "H" To "K" (T) indicates a Tamil word List of Terms - From "L" To "N" (O) indicates other than Arabic or Tamil List of Terms - From "O" To "R" [iswp] - from the Glossary of the List of Terms - From "S" To "Z" book, "Islam and World Peace".
List of Terms - From "A" To "G" - click on term to go to definition
Definition of Terms - click on back to terms below to return to List of Terms above 'abd (A). A slave. [iswp] ahadith (A) (sing. hadith). Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad; traditional stories. [iswp] aham (T). The heart. Muhammad can be defined as the beauty of the heart (aham) reflected in the face (muham). [iswp] ahmad (A). The state of the heart, the qalb, or aham. Ahmad is the heart of Muhammad. The beauty of the heart (aham) is the beauty of the countenance (muham) of Muhammad. That is the beauty of Allah's qualities. This is the name that comes within the ocean of 'ilm or divine knowledge (bahr al-'ilm). Allah is the One who is worthy of the praise of the qalb, the heart. Lit.: most praiseworthy. [iswp] al-akhirah (A). The hereafter; the next world; the kingdom of God. [iswp]. 'alam (A) (pl. 'alamun or 'alamin). The universe; the cosmos; the metaphysical world. [iswp] 'alam al-arwah (A). The world of pure souls, where all souls are performing tasbih, or prayers of praise of God. [iswp] al-hamdu lillah (A). "All praise is to You." Allah is the glory and the greatness that deserves all praise. "You are the One responsible for the appearance of all creations. Whatever appears, whatever disappears, whatever receives benefit or loss - all is Yours. I have surrendered everything into Your hands. I remain with hands outstretched, spread out, empty, and helpless. Whatever is happening and whatever is going to happen is all Yours." Lit.: All praise belongs to Allah. [iswp] alif (A). The first letter of the Arabic alphabet (I). To the transformed man of wisdom, the alif represents Allah, the One. See also, lam, mim. [iswp] 'alim (A) (pl. ulama). Teacher; learned one; one of wisdom. One who swims in the dhat (the essence of grace), and has learned the ocean of divine knowledge or 'ilm (bahr al-'ilm). [iswp] Allah Akbar (A). God is great. [iswp] Allah ta'ala (A). God Almighty; God is the Highest. Allah: (A). The beautiful undiminishing One. Ta'ala (A). The One who exists in all lives in a state of humility and exaltedness. [iswp] Amir al-Mu'minin (A). Commander of the faithful. [iswp] anbiya (A) (sing. Nabi). Prophets. [iswp] An'um Muhammad (A). The food; the rizq; the nourishment of all creations; Muhammad of the kindnesses or blessings. [iswp] 'arsh (A). The throne of God; the plenitude from which God rules. The station located on the crown of the head is the throne that can bear the weight of Allah. Allah is so heavy that we cannot carry the load with our hands and legs. The 'arsh is the only part of man that can support Allah. [iswp] 'arsh al-mu'min (A). The throne of the true believer; the throne of the one who has steadfast iman (absolute faith, certitude, and determination in God); the throne of an insan, a true man who has that perfect iman. Allah resides within the heart which praises Him, the tongue which speaks only virtuous thoughts, the tongue which speaks the truth and praises the truth. [iswp] ashab (A). Companions of the Prophet Muhammad. [iswp] Asma' al-husna (A). The ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah. The plenitude of the ninety-nine duties of God; the sifat of His dhat, the manifestations of His essence. The states of His qualities are His manifestations which emerge from Him. He performs His duty when these manifestations of His essence are brought into action. They become His wilayat, the actions which stem from the manifestations of His essence.
The Asma al-husna are the ninety-nine beautiful names of His duties. They were revealed to Prophet Muhammad in the Qur'an, and He explained them to His followers. This is the vast bahr al-dawlah, a very deep ocean of His grace and His limitless, infinite, and undiminishing wealth.
If we go on cutting one of these ninety-nine wilayat over and over again, taking one piece at a time, we will see ninety-nine particles revolving one around the other without touching. This applies to each one of the ninety-nine wilayat. This is the Asma al-husna. As we go on cutting, we lose ourselves in that. We die in that.
How can we ever hope to reach an end of the ninety-nine? If we receive only one drop of that, it will be more than sufficient for us. The person who has touched the smallest, tiniest drop becomes a good one. These are merely His powers. If we go on cutting just one of His powers, it is so powerful that it will draw you in. That power will swallow you up, and you become the power (wilayat). Then you come to the stage at which you can lose yourself within Allah; you can disappear within Allah. [iswp] 'asr (A). The third of the five-times of prayer; also means era, time, and afternoon. [iswp] astaghfiru Allah al-Azim (A). I seek forgiveness from Allah the Supreme. [iswp] A'udhu billahi min al-Shaytan al-Rajim (A). I seek refuge in God from the evils of the accursed satan. [iswp] awliya' (A) (sing. wali). The favorites of God. Those who are near to God, referring to Holy Men of Islam. [iswp] al-awwal (A). The creation of forms; the state at which the soul becomes surrounded by form, and each creation takes shape; the stage at which the souls of the six kinds of lives (earth-life, fire-life, water-life, air-life, ether-life, and light-life) are placed in their respective forms. Allah created these forms (for the six kinds of lives), and then placed that "trust property", which is life, within these forms. [iswp] Awwal Muhammad (A). The first Muhammad; the beginning; the emergence of creation; the time Muhammad emerged, resonated, and pulsated within Allah. [iswp] bahr al-'ilm (A). The ocean of divine knowledge. [iswp] barakat (A). The wealth of Allah's grace. [iswp] al-Bayt al-Muqaddas (O). A name given to the temple at Jerusalem, on which site the Dome of the Rock stands today. Lit.: the Holy House. [iswp] Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim (A). In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Bismillah: Allah is the first and the last, the One with the beginning and without the beginning. He is the One who is the cause for creation and for the absence of creation, the cause for the beginning and for the beginningless.
al-Rahman: He is the King, the Nourisher, the One who gives food. He is the Compassionate One. He is the One who protects the creations. He is the Beneficent One.
al-Rahim: He is the One who redeems, the One who protects from evil, who preserves and who confers eternal bliss; the Savior. On the Day of Judgment, and on the Day of Inquiry, and on all days from the day of the beginning, He protects, and brings His creations back unto Himself. [iswp] Dajjal (A). Antichrist. Lit.: lying, false. [iswp] dawlah (A). This has two meanings. One is the wealth of the world, or dunya. The other is the wealth of the grace of Allah. The wealth of Allah is the wealth of the divine knowledge known as 'ilm, and the wealth of perfect iman, or absolute faith, certitude, and determination. [iswp] dhat (A). The essence of God; His treasury; His wealth of purity; His grace. [iswp] dhikr (A). The remembrance of God. It is a common name given to certain words in praise of God. Of the many dhikrs, the most exalted dhikr is to say, "La ilaha illa Allah - there is nothing other than God. Only You are Allah." All the others relate to His wilayat, or His actions, but this dhikr points to Him, and to Him alone. See also: kalimah; La illaha illa Allah. [iswp] din (A). The light of perfect purity; the resplendence of perfectly pure iman, absolute faith, certitude, and determination. Lit.: religion, faith, or belief. [iswp] Din al-Islam (A). The faith of surrender to the will of Allah. [iswp] dunya (A). The earth-world in which we live; the world of physical existence; the darkness which separated from Allah, at the time when the light of the Nur Muhammad manifested from within Allah. [iswp] fikr (A). Contemplation; meditation; concentration on God. [iswp] firdaws (A). The eighth heaven. If we cut away the seven base desires known as the nafs ammarah, what remains will be Allah's qualities, actions, and conduct, His gracious attributes, and His duties. If man can make these his own, and store them within the heart, then that is firdaus. That is Allah's house, the limitless heaven. That will be the eighth heaven. Allah's house of infinite magnitude and perfect purity. [iswp] farud (A) (sing. fard). The five farud refer to the five pillars of Islam: Iman, or absolute faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and hajj, or holy pilgrimage. [iswp] gnanam (T). Divine luminous wisdom; grace-awakened wisdom. If man can throw away all the worldly treasures (within him), and take within him only the treasure called Allah, and His qualities and actions, His conduct and behavior, if he makes Allah the only treasure and completeness for him - that is the state of gnanam.
End of List of Terms - From "A" To "G" ..............................................................