About Spiriutal Glossary The Spiritual Glossary for The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library is a copy of the Glossary in the book by His Holiness, "Islam & World Peace: Explanations of A Sufi." It is organized into the following Outline which includes five Pages of Terms, which can be individually accessed: Outline of Spiritual Glossay 1. List of Terms - From "A" To "G" 2. List of Terms - From "H" To "K" 3. List of Terms - From "L" To "N" 4. List of Terms - From "O" To "R" 5. List of Terms - From "S" To "Z" When accessed, by clicking on it, each Page of Terms is further organized into the following List of Terms, allowing for the individually selection of any of the Terms. List of Terms - click on term to go to its definition 1. 'abd 2. ahadith 3. 'aham 4. ahmad 5. al-akhirah 6. alam 7. alam al-arwah 8. al-hamdu lillah 9. alif 10. alim Clicking on any of the individual Terms, provides you with a definition of that term as follows: - back to terms al-hamdu lillah (A). "All praise is to You." All is the glory and the greatness deserves all praise. "You are the One responsible for the appearance of all creations. Whatever appears, whatever disappears, whatever receives benefit or loss - all is Yours. I have surrendered everything into Your hands. I remain with hands outstretched, spread out, empty, and helpless. Whatever is happening and whatever is going to happen is all Yours." Lit.: All praise belongs to Allah. [iswp]. Above and to the right of the definition of the term is a pointer back to the list of terms, as such: - back to terms Clicking on back to terms returns you to the List of Terms, allowing you to select another term. Next to the list of five Pages of Terms at the top of the page is an Index for the following abbreviations that are used in the definition of the terms. (A) Indicates an Arabic word (T) Indicates a Tamil word (O) Indicates other than Arabic or Tamil [iswp] - from the Glossary of the book, "Islam and World Peace: Explanations of A Sufi". All of the terms are currently from the the Glossary of the book by His Holiness, "Islam and World Peace: Explanations of A Sufi". However we plan to add other terms to the Spiritual Glossary in the future that are from other books by His Holiness, so we have included this marker with each definition to identify its source. My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) End of About Glossary of Terms .................................................... |
This page was last updated on: January 11, 2002 |